Archbishop Porter Girls Secondary School is a Catholic institution within the Ghana Public Education sector. While we welcome girls of all religious denominations, we wish you to understand from the start that our way of life is in accordance with Catholic traditions.

Archbishop Porter Girls Secondary School was founded by His Grace Archbishop John Kodwo Amissah of Blessed memory the then Archbishop of Cape Coast and the Sekondi / Takoradi Diocese of the Catholic Church. He laid the foundation stone in August 1965 and exactly three months after, on 5th November, 1965 the first batch of forty (40) students reported to begin serious academic work and boarding life.

Today, 2022 with steady, meticulous, administrative strategies and active support of benefactors and stakeholders of education, you look around and you see very beautiful, imposing nine three storey blocks, three, one storey blocks and a compact compound, spick and span.  Some more projects are still springing up.

The school started with three pioneer teachers from the congregation of St. Louis.  They were Rev. Sr. Mary Jude, the pioneer headmistress, who was also an acclaimed Scientist and Mathematician; Rev. Sr. Vibiana, (later Sr. Maurin) a great Historian and an expert in Literature in English and English Language teaching.  The third, a Mother superior, Rev. Mother Joseph Mary was a distinguished Musician.  There were eight supporting non-teaching staff members and a school Chaplain who taught Bible Knowledge and French.

Presently, Archbishop Porter Girls’ Secondary School, formerly St. Louis secondary school, and the REAL PRIDE OF THE WEST has a teaching population of one hundred and twelve (112), sixty eight (68) non-teaching staff members and with a student population of almost three thousand (3000).


Its motto: “Puritas, mentis et Corporis” (Purity of mind and body) aptly captures the task set by the leadership of the school which has been passed on to generations and succeeded in carefully nurturing her students in strict moral and Christian discipline, and academic excellence. 


The school was established in 1965 “to give to girls a matchless education that will exhibit elegance and perfection in finish”.



The school shall be a haven for academic and moral excellence.